Welcome Senior, Goodbye Junior :)
We met a lot of friends in these three years...Next year is going to be a new stage for us...
Even we are different classes but we are always together :)
We had a lot of fun on celebrating our graduation...
on monorail going to Times Square with maid Orange
And also with our friends MEGAN and YAZI~
This photo is about we filming our parody PARANORMAL ORANGE..
Actor of GHOST : maid ORANGE
Scenes : Show that a ghost suddenly appear in a dark shadow behind two friends
But after celebration it's the time for our science class tuition :O
The first week we attend Physic and Maths class.
Physic class had a lot of fun specially the recess time.
While we're playing with camera, Orange was napping.
Orange woke up .....
It was me and Orange :D
Our friends BooBoo helped us to capture it :) WHEN ORANGE DIDN'T REALIZE...
Orange is always looking at you~
Me and Orange with troll face >D
accidently captured by Boo
Curious face
Orange always got a lot of funny emotion that always make us laugh like hell...
"OK I KNOW IT" face
Orange head kena chop by herself
This is BOO.
When Orange is sneezing...
After Physic class with full of happiness, it's going to be Biology class.
The first class of Biology had an interesting experiment to prove the diffusion of plasma membrane.
We use a visking tubing as membrane, tie up one end and fill in some sucrose in it, tie up another end.
After that, put the visking tubing into distil water in a measuring glass. Wait for 15minutes to get the result.
At the beginning the mass of my vicking tubing is 5.49g, after 15minutes is 6.13g, and the next 15minutes is 6.49g.
The result really freak me out(?) and make me start loving biology.
I love my Junior life and i'm now looking forward to my Senior life
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